
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tooth Fairy Code Blue

I've been moonlighting as a Tooth Fairy lately.


My kid has been dropping teeth like crazy, so I've been prancing around in the wee hours of the night sprinkling glitter (aka fairy dust) and bartering teeth for money. It's a weird job... but someone's got to do it.

The other night I ran into a Tooth Fairy emergency. No cash. My hubby and I rarely ever carry around anything other than plastic, so typically we hit the bank up on special occassions like this. Unfortunately, it was 1am... far too late for a road trip.

So, I did what every other mother would do. I went into panic mode. I channeled my former college self, and began to scrape the bottom of my purse for every coin I could find.

"What's the going rate for top teeth these days?"I silently screamed, "Does the Tooth Fairy HAVE to give money? What about gum? Or some chapstick?"

Right when I was about to shove an 'IOU note' under her pillow, I found gold. And by gold, I mean quarters. Eight of them.


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